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发布时间:2023-05-17 19:20:06 来源:网友投稿




  Read and hse

 (一)There is an interesting festival in hina n that speial da, peple in

 Hunan alas have a dragn bat ath The dragn bat is quite lng There are

 pitures f dragns n eah side The frnt f the bat is lie the head f a dragn Eah

 tea f the ath has tent ebers Besides the there is a an n the bat He beats a

 dru(敲鼓) It's an exiting ath, espeiall(特别是)hen the are reahing

 the end The audiene(观众)beside the lae shut fr their favurite teas Fr this

 ath, e have the nae f the festival —— Dragn Bat Festival This speial da

 has anther(另一个)nae —— Duanu Festival It has a str The str is abut a

 pet alled Qu uan

 ( )1 hat's the nae f this speial festival? It's alled __________

 Ahinese Ne ear B the id-Autun Festival Dragn Bat Festival D Halleen

 ( )2 The nae f the Dragn Bat Festival es fr ____________

 Athe dragn ath in Hunan B the dragn bat ath in Hunan the bat lie a dragn

 in Sihuan D the dragn fling in the s

 ( )3 In the ath, there is alas a an n the bat t ____________

 Ashut fr the B help the bat arr a dragn fr the D beat a dru fr the

 ( )4 The str f Duanu Festival is abut __________

 Aa pet alled Qu uan B a pet alled Li Bai a pet alled Du Fu D a pet alled

 Bai ui


 duplings rie aes n B pupins A __________ eat peple da, that n ) (


 (二)id-Autun Festival usuall es in Septeber f tber n that da failies get

 tgether t elebrate(庆祝)the full n The usuall sit utside in the pen air at the

 table n the table there're n aes, fruit, peanuts, ater hestnuts(菱角)and s

 n Adults tell the ung peple the str f hang'e and that f the n ae In hina

 there're three ain(主要的)traditinal(传统的)festivals Besides id-Autun

 Festival, the are Dragn Bat Festival and Spring Festival n ever festival e

 have a big dinner Fr anuar t Deeber there's alst(几乎)a festival r hlida

 in eah nth

 ( )1 id-Autun Festival is n lunar(阴历)August __________

 A1st B 30th 1th

 ( )2 Failies usuall get tgether t elebrate ___________

 Athe n aes B the full n hang'e

 ( )3 hih festival is ne f the three ain festivals?

 ASpring Festival B The Lantern Festival Natinal Da

 ( )4 Besides n aes, peple a eat ____________ n that da

 Aater hestnut B eat eggs

 (三)n hristas rning, hildren lie t get up earl t find the presents in the

 stings(长统袜)r under the hristas trees n hristas Da, ie gt up at six tent

 He quil put n the lthes and led fr his present in the sting “, hat a lvel t dg!

 I lie it ver uh” He said happil The he ran dn t the grund flr t see hat's in

 the bx and listened His sister, Nan ae t hi, “h, ie, u are

 (摇)the bx He sh

 taing present” “hat? pen it and have a l!” Then the pened the bx, a prett

 dress in it ie led arund, and he sa anther bx fr hi under the tree

 ( )1 ie gt up at __________ A tent t six B tent past six six

 ( )2 The lvel dg as fr ___________ A Nan B Nan's sister Nan's brther

 ( )3 The prett dress as fr ___________

 A ie B ie's sister ie's brther

 ( )4 ie gt ___________ presents fr his fail A nl ne B t three ( ) hat's in the

 bx fr ie? A A t dg B A satebard Srr, I dn't n


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